A-Z Charity Listing
Charity Intelligence has reports on approximately 800 charities. You can also use the search box above by typing keywords like "education", "veterans", "food banks", "international" or cities e.g. "Calgary", "QC" to help find charities that match your interests, or browse the Search by Sector page.
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The Kid's Conservation Organization
Woodbridge, ON
Assist adults seeking to improve their personal and working lives through programs in literacy and basic math and computer skills.
Toronto, ON
Inspiring Potential. Building community. Enriching Lives.
Social Services
Calgary, AB
To enable abilities in our communities
Social Services
Vancouver, BC
See Ability in Disability
Social Services
Toronto, ON
Helping Kids with Physical Disabilities Succeed
Social Services
Toronto, ON
Building the case for a better Earth.
Vancouver, BC
Designing economic alternatives that benefit people in the places they call home.
Vancouver, BC
Good Food For All
Social Services - Food Bank (Multi-Service Agency)
Mississauga, ON
For the prevention of cruelty to animals
Animal Welfare
Edmonton, AB
Changing Lives
Social Services
Edmonton, AB
Sharing the Harvest.
Social Services - Food Bank (Distributor)
Edmonton, AB
The Leprosy Mission Canada
International Aid
Markham, ON
Equal, not other.
Human Rights Advocacy
Toronto, ON
Empowering Change and Strengthening Resiliency
Social Services - Women
Calgary, AB
Compassion. Care. Support.
Health - Palliative
Toronto, ON
Investing in people and ideas to end global poverty.
International Aid
Toronto, ON
Defending clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.
Toronto, ON
Educational program innovations charity
North Sydney, NS
Doing good in the world.
International Aid
Mississauga, ON