A-Z Charity Listing
Charity Intelligence has reports on approximately 800 charities. You can also use the search box above by typing keywords like "education", "veterans", "food banks", "international" or cities e.g. "Calgary", "QC" to help find charities that match your interests, or browse the Search by Sector page.
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Because hunger doesn't wait for policy change.
Social Services - Food Bank (Distributor)
Toronto, ON
Today's Science. Tomorrow's Cures.
Health - Hospital Foundation
Halifax, NS
Where infinite ambition meets global impact
Education - University
Halifax, NS
Freedom begins with a school
International Aid
Surrey, BC
Serving youth on the street
Social Services - At-Risk Youth
Montreal, QC
Be a donor, Save a life.
Victoria, BC
We are nature. All people, and all species.
Vancouver, BC
Committed to change
International Aid
Montreal, QC
Leading the fight against diabetes
Toronto, ON
Domestic violence ends here.
Social Services - Women
Calgary, AB
Providing crisis support, information and referral services without discrimination
Social Services
Calgary, AB
Connecting to Hope.
Social Services
Toronto, ON
Community partners in creating opportunities for people of all ages
Social Services - Homeless
Toronto, ON
Medical aid where it is needed most. Independent. Neutral. Impartial.
International Aid
Toronto, ON
Change Every Day.
Social Services
St. John’s, NL
A community of support and care.
Social Services
Etobicoke, ON
Providing hope through faith and caring
Social Services - Homeless (Shelter)
Windsor, ON
Building hope together
Health - Hospital Foundation
St. John's, NL
Magical memories for special kids.
Social Services - Wish Granting
Dorval, QC
Conserving Canada's Wetlands
Stonewall, MB