A-Z Charity Listing
Charity Intelligence has reports on approximately 800 charities. You can also use the search box above by typing keywords like "education", "veterans", "food banks", "international" or cities e.g. "Calgary", "QC" to help find charities that match your interests, or browse the Search by Sector page.
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Funding Charities for Today and Tomorrow.
Public Benefit
Toronto, ON
To attain the vision by supporting, funding and managing humanitarian, economic development, governance and rule of law projects that focus on Ukraine.
International Aid
Toronto, ON
Giving made simple.
Public Benefit
Toronto, ON
The Word. For Life.
Toronto, ON
To help every patient. To match every need. To serve every Canadian.
Ottawa, ON
Creating a world where no Canadian fears cancer.
Health - Cancer
Toronto, ON
To shed light on the key issues facing Canada.
Research & Public Policy
Ottawa, ON
Committed to Rights and Freedoms. Dedicated to Advocacy and Education.
Research & Public Policy
Toronto, ON
We support a Canada with robust freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression.
Public Benefit
Calgary, AB
Responds to Christ’s call for unity and peace, seeks Christ’s truth with affection for diversity, and acts in love through prayer, dialogue and witness to the gospel.
Toronto, ON
The voice of the blind in Canada.
Ottawa, ON
Empowering Canadians with Down syndrome and their families.
Calgary, AB
A world in which children thrive free from poverty
International Aid
Toronto, ON
Jesus is our strength
International Aid
Mississauga, ON
A Christian Response to Hunger
International Aid
Winnipeg, MB
Creating an AIDS-free future.
Toronto, ON
We provide direct funding support for the educational and research goals of Tel Aviv University.
Fundraising Organization
Toronto, ON
We provide freedom to Canadians
Social Services
Manotick, ON
Better hearing for everyone, everywhere
Mount Pearl, NL
Proudly serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communities
Toronto, ON