Five-Star Charities

Charity Intelligence has rated over 800 charities on a scale of 0 to 5 stars. To see how the star ratings are calculated, please see our methodology page.

If you would like to see a charity that is not yet rated, please send us the name of the charity and those charities receiving the most donor votes will be rated.

  • Terry Fox Foundation [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    A single dream. A world of hope.

    Health - Cancer

    Burnaby, BC

  • The Boundless School [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    An exquisite learning environment where kids don’t want to leave.

    Social Services - At-Risk Youth

    Toronto, ON

  • The Compass [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Help for today, hope for tomorrow

    Social Services - Food Bank (Multi-Service Agency)

    Mississauga, ON

  • Removing barriers for children so that every child is nourished and able to learn.

    Social Services - Youth

    Toronto, ON

  • Toronto Humane Society [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    To promote the humane care and protection ofall animals and to prevent cruelty and suffering.

    Animal Welfare

    Toronto, ON

  • United Way East Ontario [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Changing Lives. Together.

    Fundraising Organization

    Ottawa, ON

  • Creating pathways and inspiring hope for a better tomorrow

    Fundraising Organization

    Edmonton, AB

  • United Way of Calgary and Area [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Building a great city for all.

    Fundraising Organization

    Calgary, AB

  • Université de Montréal [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    It shines by faith and knowledge

    Education - University

    Montreal, QC

  • University of Alberta [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Whatsoever things are true.

    Education - University

    Edmonton, AB

  • University of Calgary [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    I will lift up my eyes

    Education - University

    Calgary, AB

  • University of Manitoba [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    To create, preserve and communicate knowledge, and thereby, contribute to the cultural, social and economic well-being of the people of Manitoba, Canada and the world.

    Education - University

    Winnipeg, MB

  • University of New Brunswick [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Leading discovery and innovation since 1785

    Education - University

    Fredericton, NB

  • University of Prince Edward Island [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Think you can change the world? We do too.

    Education - University

    Charlottetown, PE

  • University of Saskatchewan [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Be what the world needs

    Education - University

    Saskatoon, SK

  • Veterans Transition Network [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Never Alone


    Vancouver, BC

  • Water First [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Strong communities. Safe, clean water.

    Social Services - First Nations

    Creemore, ON

  • Wilfrid Laurier University [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Inspiring lives

    Education - University

    Waterloo, ON

  • World Federation of Hemophilia [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Improving and sustaining care for people with inherited bleeding disorders around the world.


    Montréal, QC

  • World Renew [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Living Justice. Loving Mercy. Serving Christ.

    International Aid

    Burlington, ON


Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada’s environment, cancer, and homelessness. Today over 500,000 Canadians use our website as a go-to source for information on Canadian charities reading over 1.6 million charity reports. Through rigorous and independent research, Charity Intelligence aims to assist Canada’s dynamic charitable sector in being more transparent, accountable and focused on results.


Be Informed. Give Intelligently. Have Impact


Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001