Nepal 2015 - UNHCR evaluation
Donor report: A year after Nepal quake, villagers rebuild from the ruins
Raised: No information found. Received $64 million from
Spending: No information found.
Expertise: Shelter
Key Activities: UNHCR distributed 41,574 plastic tarps, 8,032 solar lamps, 5,000 blankets, 450 shelter kits and 175 temporary schools distributed to 210,000 displaced people.
That is all the information found. UNHCR is mostly funded by governments and likely provides these funders with better disclosure. We did not find its disaster response report.
Charity Intelligence picked UNHCR given Nepal’s severe needs, UNHCR’s large size, and its expertise in shelter. UNHCR has operated in Nepal since the early 1960s. We had hoped Nepal would be the first disaster deployment on IKEA shelter huts. Instead, UNHCR handed out thousands of plastic tarps. Tarps have proven again and again to be ineffective in countries that have monsoons and are inappropriate for cold weather. Nepal has both.
Disaster response differs from development work. Disaster response needs to be fast and flexible. Subsequent surveys of people affected by disasters report low satisfaction with UN-agencies response. Perhaps the UN’s institutional framework inhibits fast and adaptive disaster response relative to international charities.
More Charity Intelligence reports on Nepal Earthquake 2015 disaster response:
Summary assessment of Nepal disaster response by 10 charities Canadians supported
About Charity Intelligence: Charity Intelligence’s mission is to help Canadian donors be informed and give intelligently. We do this through objective and independent research on Canadian charities.
Charity Intelligence’s total costs to report and evaluate Nepal’s earthquake disaster response since April 2015 are $11,900. This is entirely funded by Canadian donors. If you found this evaluation useful, please share it with your friends and join us on Facebook and Twitter @CharityIntel
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