Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary

731-13 Avenue NE
Calgary, AB T2E 1C8
CEO: Jeff Dyer
Board Chair: Thiloma Hofer

Charitable Reg. #:10680 4669 RR0001


Ci's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics:

[Charity Rating: 4/5]


Most recent Audited financial statements available on the charity’s website.



Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.



The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.


Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.



For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 82 cents are available for programs.

My anchor


About Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary :

In 2020, Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary merged with Aspen Family and Community Network Society to form Trellis Society.

As such, this charity profile will no longer be updated.

Formerly posted in August 2019:

Founded in 1939, Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary (BGCC) helps kids and families in the Calgary community through housing and shelter services, education and employment programs, after school Clubs, and other support services. BGCC focuses its programs on vulnerable kids. Its mission is to provide safe and supportive spaces where children and youth can learn, overcome barriers, build relationships, and improve their confidence for success in life.

BGCC has five program areas: Homelessness, Exploitation and Trauma; Community and Cultural Connections; Success in School; Early Childhood Development; and Employment and Skill Building. In F2018, the charity helped 4,469 kids and 487 parents/guardians. With total operating costs of $19.6 million (excluding amortization and Foundation expenses), BGCC spent an average of $3,952 per person helped.

Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary helped 529 youth through Homelessness, Exploitation and Trauma programs in F2018. Avenue 15 is BGCC’s emergency shelter, open 24/7 and available for youth aged 12-17. The charity also runs multiple housing programs for vulnerable youth, including Toni’s House (for girls and women aged 14-24 struggling with homelessness, drug addiction, family violence, and/or exploitation), the Infinity Project (which provides permanent housing to youth aged 16 to 24), and Aura (which provides housing for LGBTQS+ youth aged 14-24).

Success in School programs reached 1,021 kids and youth in F2018. BGCC partners with United Way of Calgary to contribute to All in for Youth, an education program that focuses on keeping kids in school (to combat high school dropout rates in Calgary). Other education programs run by BGCC include Raise the Grade (an after-school mentorship and tutoring program) and Hera (for teenage girls at risk of sexual exploitation). Early Childhood Development programs reached 194 kids and 103 parents/guardians in F2018.

Employment programs helped 501 youth in F2018, including 242 youth who received help in improving their job skills. Community and Cultural Connections programs, which includes Boys and Girls Clubs, reached 2,102 kids and youth, including 315 new Canadians. Clubs are open five days a week, can be accessed by kids and youth aged 6-17, and run various activities during after-school hours. Club programs can be subsidized for low-income families.

In F2018 BGCC purchased Bricks 4 Kidz, a social enterprise that works with youth struggling with homelessness and focuses on strengthening youths’ “natural support networks.”

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Results and Impact

Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary’s F2018 annual report states that 111 youth avoided homelessness through support services, 81% of youth who accessed shelter and housing programs during the year “ended their experience of homelessness,” and 78% of youth in foster care programs transitioned onto a “positive destination.” 86% of youth working with All in for Youth success coaches have either graduate high school or are registered for the upcoming year. 98% of kids at Boys and Girls Clubs have improved their social and/or emotional skills, and 83% of children helped through Early Childhood Development programs have improved their social and/or emotional skills.

My anchor


Charity Intelligence consolidated Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary with Boys and Girls Club of Calgary Foundation (the Foundation) in the following financial analysis.

Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary is a large charity, collecting just under $7.0m in donations in F2018. Administrative costs are 11% of revenue (excluding investment income) and fundraising costs are 8% of donations. Per dollar donated, 82 cents go to the cause, which is within Ci’s reasonable range for overhead spending.

Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary changed auditors in F2018; as such, reporting on certain revenue and expense items has changed. Special events fundraising revenue in F2016 represents amounts received through the Calgary exhibition and stampede (no longer reported), and other revenue in F2018 and F2017 consists of administrative revenue not disclosed historically.

Net funding reserves of $7.8m can cover annual program costs and grants at the F2018 level for just over five months. Grants reported in Ci’s analysis reflect funds donated by the Foundation to the Fuel for School Program run by Calgary Board of Education.

In F2018, Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary transferred $3.9m in capital assets and $2.1m in deferred contributions to the Foundation, resulting in a net $1.9m increase in the Foundation’s net assets and corresponding decrease in the operating charity’s net assets.

This report is an update that has been sent to Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary for review. Comments and edits may be forthcoming.

Updated on August 26, 2019 by Katie Khodawandi.

Financial Review

Financial Ratios

Fiscal year ending December
Administrative costs as % of revenues 10.5%7.2%10.4%
Fundraising costs as % of donations 8.0%5.6%5.0%
Total overhead spending 18.5%12.7%15.3%
Program cost coverage (%) 45.4%45.9%50.8%

Summary Financial Statements

All figures in $000s
Donations 6,9578,6169,541
Goods in kind 98129229
Government funding 10,32411,49610,790
Fees for service 387362335
Special events 00348
Investment income (257)221317
Other income 2,0891,9790
Total revenues 19,59722,80321,559
Program costs 16,91418,20917,593
Grants 160140140
Administrative costs 2,0861,6152,198
Fundraising costs 555482493
Other costs 177
Total spending 19,71720,45320,432
Cash flow from operations (119)2,3501,128
Capital spending 1927111,157
Funding reserves 7,7588,4259,011

Note: Ci consolidated Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary with its associated Foundation and excluded transfers between the two charities (donations and rental income/expenses), reducing total revenue and expenses by $136k in F2018, F2017 and F2016. Investment income includes unrealized gains (losses) on the Foundation’s investments and is reported net of the Foundation’s investment management fees, affecting total revenue by ($418k) in F2018, $80k in F2017, and $155k in F2016 and reducing total expenses by $21k in F2018, $21k in F2017 and $30k in F2016. To report on a cash basis, Ci did not include amortization of deferred contributions related to capital assets and instead reported donations received during the year, which affected total revenue by ($460k) in F2018, $487k in F2017, and $504k in F2016. Amortization of deferred capital contributions reported as revenue by the Foundation was also excluded from donations, reducing total revenue by $186k in F2018, F2017 and F2016. Costs associated with soliciting contributions, as reported in the financial notes, have been backed out of program and included in fundraising costs. BGCC’s amortization of capital assets in F2018 and F2017 has been backed out of the charity’s program, administrative and fundraising costs pro-rata.

Salary Information

Full-time staff: 168

Avg. compensation: $83,553

Top 10 staff salary range:

$350k +
$300k - $350k
$250k - $300k
$200k - $250k
$160k - $200k
$120k - $160k
$80k - $120k
$40k - $80k
< $40k

Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2017

My anchor

Comments & Contact

Comments added by the Charity:

The following comments were provided during a prior profile update. Updated comments may be forthcoming.

Since 1939, Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary (BGCC) has carried on a tradition of helping young people to discover, develop and achieve their full potential as adults, citizens and leaders. We are committed to transforming the lives of vulnerable children, youth and their families by providing safe places and offering services and programs designed to meet the evolving needs of our communities. Our organization works hard to counter community issues such as youth homelessness, child sexual exploitation, poverty, food insecurity, youth unemployment, literacy, discrimination and intergenerational trauma. We help children and youth build a positive sense of self through supportive relationships with staff and engaging activities that promote health and wellbeing, social and emotional competencies, a sense of belonging and skills for life.

We operate over 40 programs across the City of Calgary through five streams of services: Community Clubs and Experiential Learning, Education and Employment, Indigenous Initiatives, Community Based Care, and Youth Housing and Shelters. We have 300+ staff, plus another 300+ seasonal staff across Calgary, with an annual operating budget of 20 million. A total of 97% of our program operating dollars support services that target those who are economically disadvantaged. In 2016, our agency supported 19,688 unique children, youth and families.

Community Clubs and Experiential Learning Stream: Our programs mobilize communities in support of children and youth through child, youth and family-focused programs, community space and diverse support systems, volunteer and mentorship opportunities, enhanced arts, sports and recreation activities. We operate seven OST programs which focus on building life skills, positive relationships, and social and emotional competencies.

Education & Employment Stream: By providing a wide variety of programs, activities and creative supports, our innovative programs increase opportunities for children and youth to engage and succeed in educational and vocational settings. We achieve this by offering skill development programs, academic, vocational, and therapeutic supports, leadership opportunities, cultural awareness and self-expression activities.

Indigenous Initiatives Stream: We have a long history of working closely with the Indigenous community in providing specific and culturally appropriate programming for First Nations, Métis and Inuit children, youth, families and the broader community. Our Indigenous programs provide hands-on cultural experiences, elder involvement, health and wellness activities, traditional arts programs and youth mentorship.

Community Based Care & Support Stream: Our community-based residential care programs are for children and youth who have Child Intervention Status and cannot safely live at home. We provide foster care homes, group homes, and two specialized residential programs for youth at risk of or involved in sexual exploitation.  These programs work to promote safety, healthy attachments and relationships, developmental functioning and capacities, a positive sense of self and positive community connections.

Youth Housing and Shelters Stream: With the goal of helping homeless youth gain the skills to return to their families or to live independently in the community, our programs offer a comprehensive support system to help youth permanently end their experience of homelessness. We work to prevent youth homelessness through specific initiatives in support of vulnerable young people and their families including specialized housing programs for Indigenous and LGBTQ2S youth.

All our programs are grounded in the philosophy of positive youth development with an emphasis on approaches that are holistic, relational, culturally competent, strength-based, empowerment-focused and trauma-informed. We believe that the experiences and social contexts that promote optimal development in typically-developing children and youth are also the best ways to assist more vulnerable youth. Specifically, we believe that families and children require stable and supportive living conditions, supportive and nurturing relationships with significant adults, support for educational and later, vocational success, meaningful connection to the community, the opportunity to build skills and confidence through arts and recreation experiences, and the opportunity to enhance life and employability skills in supportive contexts.

This approach requires that we have already embraced the characteristics of creativity and flexibility as we pursue innovative and individualized ways of serving our communities, youth, children, and families. We have a commitment to service excellence and continual improvement that demands we make agile improvements to programs and models of services as needs change or as new evidence points us in new directions as we pursue best practices in our services. We have an almost 80 year history of doing so. We would welcome the opportunity to work together for this important purpose as we lay a firm foundation for youth self-sufficiency.




Charity Contact

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Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001