Jewish Federation of Winnipeg
STAR RATINGCi's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics: |
Most recent Audited financial statements available on the charity’s website.
Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.
The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.
Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.
For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 75 cents are available for programs.
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About Jewish Federation of Winnipeg:
Jewish Federation of Winnipeg is a 2-star rated charity. It has a below average result reporting grade and its overhead spending is within Ci’s reasonable range. The charity has $3.8m in reserve funds, which can cover just over nine months of annual program costs.
Founded in 1938, Jewish Federation of Winnipeg (JFW) is a public foundation created to operate as the representative body of the Winnipeg Jewish Community. JFW acts on behalf of the Jewish community and supports the State of Israel. It works according to Jewish values to maintain a strong and united community and provide culture, religious practice and welfare for Jews in Winnipeg. The charity grants to 12 local agencies, five national and international programs and various Federation Funded Initiatives.
Of the $3.1m in grants to local agencies in F2022, $1.0m was allocated to Gray Academy of Jewish Education, $935k to Jewish Child and Family Services, and $540k to Rady Jewish Community Centre. The charity's other $1.8m in grants went to the Winnipeg Board of Jewish Education ($1.1m), the Jewish Federations of Canada ($525k) and other third parties.
The Federation Funded Initiatives includes the PJ Library/PJ Our Way, GrowWinnipeg and Hillel Winnipeg. In 2022, 980 children and their families received PJ Library and PJ Our Way books each month. The charity provided a Chanukah pack to 15 families whose children do not attend Jewish Day School. One of the international programs, Partnership 2Gether, links six Canadian communities with regions of Israel.
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Results and Impact
In F2022, Manitoba established the month of May as Jewish Heritage month, a change the charity took part in advocating for.
While Ci highlights these key results, they may not be a complete representation of Jewish Federation of Winnipeg’s results and impact.
This charity is not yet rated on impact (n/r).
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Jewish Federation of Winnipeg only provides the most recent year of audited financial statements on its website. These statements are incomplete; they do not include any accompanying notes.
Jewish Federation of Winnipeg received $6.4m in donations in F2022. Administrative costs are 22% of revenues and fundraising costs are 3% of donations. For every dollar donated, 75 cents are available for programs, which falls within Ci’s reasonable range for overhead spending.
The charity has $3.8m in reserve funds, which can cover nine months of its annual grants.
Ci has sent this profile update to Jewish Federation of Winnipeg for review. Changes and edits may be forthcoming.
Updated August 25, 2023 by Victoria Allder.
Financial Review
Fiscal year ending August
2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Administrative costs as % of revenues | 21.8% | 15.6% | 13.5% |
Fundraising costs as % of donations | 3.4% | 3.1% | 2.7% |
Total overhead spending | 25.2% | 18.7% | 16.3% |
Program cost coverage (%) | 76.3% | 79.1% | 68.1% |
Summary Financial StatementsAll figures in $000s |
2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Donations | 6,351 | 6,423 | 6,502 |
Government funding | 150 | 12 | 60 |
Investment income | 33 | 163 | 105 |
Total revenues | 6,535 | 6,598 | 6,667 |
Grants | 4,969 | 4,947 | 4,752 |
Administrative costs | 1,419 | 1,005 | 888 |
Fundraising costs | 215 | 200 | 178 |
Total spending | 6,603 | 6,151 | 5,818 |
Cash flow from operations | (68) | 447 | 849 |
Capital spending | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Funding reserves | 3,791 | 3,911 | 3,237 |
Note: Due to the absence of a cash flow statement and accompanying notes in the charity’s audited financial statements, Ci was unable to adjust for deferred revenue in F2022 and F2021. In F2020, Ci adjusted for deferred revenues, affecting total revenues by $82k. Ci included unrealized gain (loss) on investments in investment income, affecting revenues by ($63k) in F2022, $92k in F2021 and $19k in F2020. Ci backed out amortization pro-rata from administrative and fundraising costs.
Salary Information
$350k + |
0 |
$300k - $350k |
0 |
$250k - $300k |
0 |
$200k - $250k |
0 |
$160k - $200k |
1 |
$120k - $160k |
1 |
$80k - $120k |
1 |
$40k - $80k |
7 |
< $40k |
0 |
Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2022
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Comments & Contact
Comments added by the Charity:
Charity Contact
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Tel: 204-477-7400