Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

500-833 Seymour Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 0G4
Board Chair: David Garofalo
President & CEO: Angela Elster

Charitable Reg. #:11928 2283 RR0001


Ci's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics:

[Charity Rating: 1/5]


Audited financial statements available only upon request.



Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.



The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.


Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.



For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 68 cents are available for programs.

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About Vancouver Symphony Orchestra:

Vancouver Symphony Society, better known as Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (VSO), is a 1-star charity. It has a D+ results reporting grade, which is below average. Its overhead costs are within Ci's reasonable range for overhead spending and it has reserve funds to cover program costs for 3 years and 4 months. 

Founded in 1919, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (VSO) is the third largest orchestra in Canada. Music director Otto Tausk has led the VSO since 2018. It performs classical, popular, and culturally diverse music. VSO’s goal is to engage audiences of different ages and backgrounds. VSO has two main programs: performances and education & community engagement. Vancouver Symphony Orchestra reports that it reaches over 270,000 people a year. VSO has won a Grammy and a Juno for its performances.

Performances make up the majority of Vancouver Symphony Orchestra’s program spending. VSO performs more than 150 concerts each year. In the fiscal year ending June 2023 (F2023), VSO launched its season with Hollywood’s greatest hits. Its Our Planet performances explored the intersection of music and the natural world. In F2023, VSO introduced many new works from international composers. Its performances also featured famous Canadian and international soloists, including Itzhak Perlman and Hillary Hahn. VSO reports an annual attendance of 250,000, including 50,000 children and young adults.

VSO also runs several Education & Community Engagement Programs. These programs aim to increase access to music and music education. In F2023, over 10,000 students from over 50 schools attended VSO’s Elementary School Concerts. Symphonic Encounters takes students behind the scenes during a rehearsal. Over 2,100 students from 40 schools participated in Symphonic Encounters in F2023. Through the Mentorship program, six emerging BC composers had new works read by VSO. The Giving Back program provided over 350 free or discounted tickets to under-accessed communities. VSO Connects brings musicians into classrooms. In F2023, it reached 1,300 elementary and 410 secondary students. VSO held one relaxed performance for 380 audience members in F2023.

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Results and Impact

Charity Intelligence did not find any quantified outcomes on Vancouver Symphony Orchestra’s website. This may not be a complete representation of Vancouver Symphony Orchestra’s results and impact.

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra is not yet rated on impact (n/r). 

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Ci consolidated Vancouver Symphony Society with Vancouver Symphony Foundation (VSF) in the following financial analysis.

In F2023, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra received $6.0m in Canadian donations and special events revenue. VSO also received $5.3m in government funding in F2023 (21% of total revenue). Administrative costs are 9% of revenue (excluding investment income) and fundraising costs are 23% of donations. Overhead spending is 32% which is within Ci’s reasonable range. For every dollar donated, 68 cents are available for the cause. In F2023, VSO spent $15.3m on its programs (64% of total revenue excluding goods in kind).

In F2023, VSO had a surplus of $5.1m and spent $287k on capital expenditures.

At the end of F2023, VSO had $50.6m in reserve funds, which can cover 329% or 3 years and 4 months of its annual program costs.

This charity report is an update that was sent for review to Vancouver Symphony Society. Changes and edits may be forthcoming.

Profile created on June 6, 2024 by Thea Clark.

Financial Review

Financial Ratios

Fiscal year ending June
Administrative costs as % of revenues 8.7%11.0%9.2%
Fundraising costs as % of donations 23.0%22.3%15.8%
Total overhead spending 31.7%33.3%25.0%
Program cost coverage (%) 329.4%389.3%580.8%

Summary Financial Statements

All figures in $000s
Donations 5,0603,8555,676
Goods in kind 1,9251,554737
Government funding 5,3295,8238,627
Fees for service 8,6485,215374
Business activities (net) 1441440
Special events 958598872
Investment income 3,609(79)5,765
Other income 12092184
Total revenues 25,79317,20222,235
Program costs 15,28912,0257,795
Grants 7100
Donated goods exp 1,9251,554737
Administrative costs 1,9341,9011,517
Fundraising costs 1,3859931,035
Other costs 63950
Total spending 20,66816,56811,084
Cash flow from operations 5,12563411,151
Capital spending 2874121
Funding reserves 50,59846,81145,276

Note: DEFERRED REVENUE: VSO uses deferred accounting. To show donors this information on a consistent basis, Ci adjusts for these deferred revenues. This affected revenue by ($440k) in F2023, $41k in F2022, and ($1.5m) in F2021. CONSOLIDATION: Ci did not report fund transfers between VSO and VSF when consolidating. DEPRECIATION: Ci removed depreciation from administrative costs to report on a cash basis.

Salary Information

Full-time staff: 31

Avg. compensation: $101,140

Top 10 staff salary range:

$350k +
$300k - $350k
$250k - $300k
$200k - $250k
$160k - $200k
$120k - $160k
$80k - $120k
$40k - $80k
< $40k

Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2023

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Comments & Contact

Comments added by the Charity:

No comments have been added by the charity.

Charity Contact

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 604-684-9100


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Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001