CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation
STAR RATINGCi's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics: |
Audited financial statements for current and previous years available on the charity’s website.
Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.
The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.
Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.
For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 81 cents are available for programs.
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About CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation:
Founded in 1987 through the merger of Fondation Justine-Lacoste-Beaubien and Fondation Sainte-Justine, CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation raises funds to care for women and children at Sainte-Justine University Hospital Centre. The hospital is the largest mother and child care centre in Canada. CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation focuses on risky pregnancies, genetic disorders, cancer care, muscle disorders and heart care. The foundation also funds research and teaching at CHU Sainte-Justine University Hospital.
In F2020 CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation granted $28.7m to the CHU Sainte-Justine hospital. Four categories received funding: Research, Infrastructure, Health Care, and Teaching.
Research received 49% of funding, which focuses on researching personalized treatment methods termed “Precision medicine”.
Infrastructure received 36% of the funding. CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation did not report on the spending of this $10.2m in F2020.
Health Care received 10% of the funding, allowing for new technologies and specialized care in the hospital. In F2020, the foundation helped buy a new mass spectrometer. This technology identifies molecule pieces needed for cancer vaccine development.
Teaching received 6% of the funding, which has supported 500 fellowships since 1998. Sainte-Justine hosts around 3,500 students a year and trains more than 80% of Quebec pediatricians.
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Results and Impact
In F2020, research funded by CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation discovered two new neurodevelopmental diseases. In 2019, a new neurosurgery laser gifted to the hospital allowed for surgery-free tumour removal saving a teen's life.
While Ci highlights these key results, they may not be a complete representation of CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation’s results and impact.
This charity is not yet rated on impact (n/r).
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CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation is a Major 100 charity with $31.8m in donations in F2020. Administrative costs are 6% of revenues (less investment income) and fundraising costs are 13% of donations. This results in total overhead spending of 19%. For every dollar donated, 81 cents go to the cause. This falls within Ci’s reasonable range for overhead spending.
CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation has $70.4m in funding reserves, of which $18.8m is donor endowed. Excluding donor-endowed funds, the charity could cover 186% or almost 2 years of annual program costs.
This charity report is an update that has been sent to CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation for review. Changes and edits may be forthcoming.
Updated on May 28, 2021 by Brenleigh Jebb.
Financial Review
Fiscal year ending March
2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Administrative costs as % of revenues | 6.2% | 5.9% | 5.7% |
Fundraising costs as % of donations | 13.2% | 12.8% | 11.6% |
Total overhead spending | 19.4% | 18.7% | 17.3% |
Program cost coverage (%) | 185.9% | 169.9% | 172.7% |
Summary Financial StatementsAll figures in $000s |
2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Donations | 31,848 | 33,668 | 36,852 |
Business activities (net) | 5,443 | 5,363 | 5,033 |
Investment income | (2,114) | 3,353 | 2,056 |
Total revenues | 35,177 | 42,384 | 43,941 |
Grants | 28,716 | 32,680 | 31,036 |
Administrative costs | 2,319 | 2,317 | 2,395 |
Fundraising costs | 4,208 | 4,293 | 4,267 |
Total spending | 35,243 | 39,289 | 37,698 |
Cash flow from operations | (67) | 3,094 | 6,243 |
Capital spending | 904 | 98 | 54 |
Funding reserves | 70,427 | 74,953 | 70,661 |
Note: Ci reported business activities, which include the management of the hospital's parking lot, net of expense. This affected revenues and expenses by ($1.2m) in F2020, ($1.2m) in F2019, and ($1.2m) in F0218. Ci removed amortization from administrative and fundraising costs.
Salary Information
$350k + |
0 |
$300k - $350k |
0 |
$250k - $300k |
0 |
$200k - $250k |
1 |
$160k - $200k |
1 |
$120k - $160k |
5 |
$80k - $120k |
3 |
$40k - $80k |
0 |
< $40k |
0 |
Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2020
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Comments & Contact
Comments added by the Charity:
About CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation
The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation mobilizes communities in support of the excellence and innovation that are the hallmarks of Sainte-Justine. The Foundation strives to inspire and motivate donors to help transform pediatric medicine and improve the lives of children and their families. One gift at a time, the Foundation empowers Sainte-Justine to drive change and build a better tomorrow for all.
The treasured Quebec institution that is Sainte-Justine is one of North America’s top pediatric healthcare facilities and the largest mother-and-child teaching hospital in Canada. Its approach is a multidisciplinary one, encompassing patient care, teaching, research, health promotion and technological assessment. Its world-class Research Centre is home to an extensive community of researchers, physicians, educators and healthcare professionals.
L’objectif de la Fondation est d’appuyer des projets d’excellence permettant au CHU Sainte-Justine d’aller plus loin dans ses missions de soins, d’enseignement et de recherche. Elle investit dans des projets qui ont un impact auprès des patients et qui sont innovants, transformateurs et à haut potentiel pour l’avenir.
In F2020-21 CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation granted $20.6 to the CHU Sainte-Justine hospital. Four categories received funding: Research, Infrastructure, Health Care, and Teaching.
Research received 69% of funding, which focuses on COVID-19 and researching personalized treatment methods termed “Precision health”. 300 research projects unrelated to COVID-19 benefited from the Foundation’s support this year.
Infrastructure received 5% of the funding.
Health Care received 18% of the funding, allowing for new technologies and specialized care in the hospital. In F2020-21, the new BénéClic app has made it easier for families to get help from a volunteer. The first of its kind in Quebec, the app connects patients and families with a suitable volunteer, based on a number of customized criteria (general interests, language, available times, etc.).
Teaching received 6% of the funding, which has supported 500 fellowships since 1998. Sainte-Justine hosts around 3,500 students a year and trains more than 80% of Quebec pediatricians.
Helping families cope with the consequences of the pandemic
Thanks to the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation, Sainte-Justine’s Social Services have been able to introduce a number of special initiatives to meet urgent needs, including financial assistance for short-term housing and transportation. Some 400 families have also benefited from a food hamper service, delivering a selection of essential grocery items to parents after a child’s hospital stay.
Also, CPAP machines for children with sleep apnea have been acquired and made available for home use by financially disadvantaged or vulnerable families. In cases where parents are unable to procure a device on their own, their child’s discharge can be delayed by weeks, even months.
Mental Health: More Important Than Ever
Sainte-Justine deals with 40% of hospital admissions for an eating disorder, including some of the most complex cases from across the province. In response to the sharp rise in the number of cases, which has doubled since March 2020, an intensive outpatient program has been adjusted in line with the realities of the pandemic. This will make it easier for patients to have ongoing access to the expertise at Sainte-Justine.
Because adolescence can be a very turbulent time in a young person’s life, Patricia Conrod, PhD, and her team are working on the development of new mental health promotion strategies by studying genetic, environmental and neuro-developmental influences on mental health and addiction. Dr. Conrod’s team focused on setting up a feasibility study to assess the effectiveness and impact of various virtual techniques used with higher-risk adolescents and to help train professionals across the entire healthcare spectrum.
Making a difference in the first days of life
Improving the mental health and wellness of expectant mothers, their partners and the babies they are carrying is a commitment Sainte-Justine psychologist and researcher Sylvana Côté takes to heart, both in her research and through her Toi, moi, bébé program.The goal of Toi, moi, bébé is to provide support to parents at risk of mental health issues and facilitate their transition to parenthood. The program was developed in response to the striking statistic that a full 30% of mothers-to-be in Quebec experience heightened levels of depression and anxiety. This has nearly tripled since the onset of COVID-19.
Hands-on learning
Young patients have a new space where they can “play doctor” with their caregivers. This helps alleviate any anxiety they may have about the treatment they receive. Located on the same floor as the surgical and trauma care unit, the space is equipped with a full range of tools that healthcare professionals can use to explain specific procedures in ways that kids understand, including a miniature MRI machine that lets them hear what the real apparatus sounds like.
Driving Scientific Advances Forward, Because the Status Quo Is Not an Option
A major study conducted by pediatrician, clinical epidemiologist and researcher Francine Ducharme, MD, and her team is driving home the benefits of early and ongoing intervention in treating childhood asthma and increasing the chances of eventually living an asthma-free life. The findings of this study indicate that the level of control achieved in the first two years following diagnosis is an important determinant of remission.
With the support of the Foundation, many researchers at Sainte-Justine can earn the credibility and recognition they need to pursue even their loftiest ambitions. The past year was one of many achievements in this regard.
Jacques L. Michaud, MD, Director of the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre, won the prestigious Pediatric Academic Leadership Clinician Investigator Award 2020. Presented by the Pediatric Chairs of Canada, this honour was given to Dr. Michaud in recognition of his ongoing efforts and innovation in rare diseases, his high-level mentorship skills and his leadership in genetics.
Massimiliano Paganelli, MD, PhD, pediatric gastroenterologist/hepatologist and head of the Hepatology and Cell Therapy Laboratory at the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre, won the prestigious Effervescence Stars Contest for his considerable scientific achievements. The aim of this contest is to recognize three Quebec researchers who have distinguished themselves through their contributions to the life sciences industry.
Elie Haddad, MD, PhD, researcher and immunologist, became the first Canadian to be elected president of the Clinical Immunology Society (CIS). This accolade speaks volumes about Dr. Haddad’s standing among his peers and his key contributions to global advances in immune disorder research.
Charity Contact
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