601 Burlington St. E., Unit A
Hamilton, ON L8L 4J5
Executive Director: Rev. Todd Bender
Board Chair: Sera Filice-Armenio

Charitable Reg. #:89498 2479 RR0001


Ci's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics:

[Charity Rating: 4/5]



Audited financial statements for current and previous years available on the charity’s website.



Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.



The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.


Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.



For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 86 cents are available for programs.

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About CityKidz:

CityKidz is a 4-star charity. It is financially transparent and has an above-average results reporting grade and overhead spending within Ci’s reasonable range.

Founded in 1993, CityKidz is a Christian charity that works to develop supportive relationships with children and youth from low-income communities in Hamilton. It has smaller branches in Regina and Ottawa that do similar activities, but they are separate charities. CityKidz reports that one in five Canadian children is growing up in poverty, and over 1,200 children in Hamilton go hungry every weekend. The charity aims to provide the necessary love, guidance, and support so that children can escape poverty. CityKidz operates weekly programs, including CityKidz Saturday and CityYouth Wednesday, and other core projects. It does not provide a spending breakdown among its programs.

CityKidz runs CityKidz Saturday program for kids aged 3 to 11. Hosted in the charity’s Studio Theatre, kids are taught that they are loved by God, how to choose what is right, and that they can dream big. Meals are distributed to children attending the program. The charity’s iconic red buses pick kids up and bring them to the theatre because many would otherwise have no transportation. In F2022, it organized 12 Saturday sessions in Studio Theatre for 309 children with an average of 142 kids attending each session.

CityYouth program is for youth aged 12 to 15. The program focuses on helping teens develop and practice leadership skills by mentoring them to explore their identity, wisdom, faith and relationships. In F2022, the charity ran 17 in-person and two Zoom CityYouth mentorship sessions for 182 teens.

CityKidz’s core projects include Home Visits, Gift of Christmas, Operation Birthday Child, and Camp CityKidz. During the week, CityKidz's teams of employees, volunteers, and graduates visit children at home. These visits have always been important to CityKidz’s programming because they strengthen individual relationships between kids and volunteers. In F2022, there were 12,079 home visits to 589 households. For other projects, 2,028 toys were distributed to Hamilton children at Christmas and 1,017 birthday gifts were delivered. During the same year, 198 children attended Camp CityKidz in the summer.

CityKidz also provides education funds to support youth's post-secondary education. In F2022, it granted 24 scholarships to 21 teens and young adults.

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Results and Impact

In F2022, nine youth graduated from the CityYouth program. During the same year, 90% (135 households) out of 150 households surveyed in F2022 said that Citykidz had a positive impact on their family.

While Ci highlights these key results, they may not be a complete representation of CityKidz’s results and impact.  

The charity is not yet rated on impact (n/r).


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In F2022, CityKidz received $2.7m in donations. Administrative costs are 5% of revenues, and fundraising costs are 9% of donations. This results in total overhead spending of 14%. For every dollar donated, 86 cents go to the cause, which is within Ci’s reasonable range for overhead spending.  

CityKidz has $1.5m in reserve funds. The charity could cover 75% or around nine months of its annual program costs with its reserves. 

This charity report is an update that has been sent to CityKidz for review. Changes and edits may be forthcoming. 

Updated on July 6, 2023 by Krystie Nguyen.


Financial Review

Financial Ratios

Fiscal year ending December
Administrative costs as % of revenues 4.9%7.0%6.1%
Fundraising costs as % of donations 8.9%8.3%7.1%
Total overhead spending 13.7%15.3%13.1%
Program cost coverage (%) 74.9%75.6%76.2%

Summary Financial Statements

All figures in $s
Donations 2,6622,2122,072
Goods in kind 433729
Government funding 19244483
Other income 534364
Total revenues 2,7762,5362,648
Program costs 2,0091,8691,670
Grants 191919
Administrative costs 135177160
Fundraising costs 236184147
Total spending 2,3992,2491,997
Cash flow from operations 378287651
Capital spending 28310218
Funding reserves 1,5191,4281,287

Note: Ci adjusted for deferred donations, affecting revenues by ($8k) in F2022, $30k in F2021, and $44k in F2020.

Salary Information

Full-time staff: 33

Avg. compensation: $45,862

Top 10 staff salary range:

$350k +
$300k - $350k
$250k - $300k
$200k - $250k
$160k - $200k
$120k - $160k
$80k - $120k
$40k - $80k
< $40k

Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2022

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Comments & Contact

Comments added by the Charity:

No comments have been added by the charity.

Charity Contact

Website: www.citykidz.ca
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 905-544-3996


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Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001