Calgary Humane Society

4455 110th Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2C 2T7
Executive Director: Carrie Fritz
Board Chair: Andrew Wilson

Charitable Reg. #:11882 3632 RR0001


Ci's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics:

[Charity Rating: 5/5]



Audited financial statements for current and previous years available on the charity’s website.



Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.



The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.


Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.



For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 86 cents are available for programs.

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About Calgary Humane Society:

Calgary Humane Society is a 5-star charity that is financially transparent. It has a results reporting grade of A which is above average. For every dollar donated, 86 cents are available to go to the cause. Calgary Humane Society has reserve funds of $14.3m which is enough to cover two years of program costs.

Founded in 1922, Calgary Humane Society (CHS) was Calgary’s first animal shelter. CHS is one of the few admission shelters in North America, meaning they do not turn any animals away. The charity aims to create a more humane world by protecting animals and advocating for their welfare. Calgary Humane Society has three programs: Animal Care Comfort and Adoption, Animal Investigation and Protection, and Community Outreach. In 2023, CHS spent $7.1m on these programs.

Animal Care, Comfort, and Adoption – 73% of program spending

Calgary Humane Society provides care to animals in distress, then helps them find new homes. In 2023, 4,136 animals were admitted to the Calgary Humane Society. 44% of these animals were surrendered by their owners. Out of these animals, 296 were puppies, a 16% increase from the 256 puppies admitted in 2022. To care for these animals, CHS performed 2,176 surgeries, provided 22,377 medical examinations, gave 7,723 vaccinations, and provided 163,786 cups of food. In 2023, 1,696 animals were placed in foster care, reducing their shelter time by up to 53%. During the pandemic, dogs were not properly socialized and had behavioural issues as a result. In 2023, the CHS Adoption and Behaviour team offered 530 socialization sessions, and 1,198 behaviour consultations to 432 “pandemic generation” dogs. This training helped manage their behaviour while in the shelter and prepare them for adoption.

Animal Investigation and Protection – 15% of program spending

Calgary Humane Society employs a team of Peace Officers who enforce the Animal Protection Act of Alberta. The team addresses concerns of animal abuse, neglect, and abandonment. In severe cases, animals may be removed from the home and owners may be charged. In 2023, abandonment was the most common reason for investigation. In previous years, medical neglect was the most common reason for investigation. In 2023, CHS investigated 1,192 cases of suspected cruelty and abuse.

Community Outreach – 12% of spending

Calgary Humane Society offers a variety of community services for pet care and education. In 2023, CHS offered short term housing to 163 animals. 121 of these animals were part of the Pet Safekeeping Program which helps animals belonging to individuals in crisis due to domestic violence. 42 of these animals were part of the Emergency Boarding Program for individuals who experience sudden emergencies like a house fire, flooding, or hospitalization. In 2023, CHS also started a new Seniors Program supplying 42 seniors with pet supplies and veterinary care for their animals.

A Charity Intelligence 2023 Top 100 Rated Charity

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Results and Impact

In 2023, 3,047 animals were adopted, a 32% increase from the 2,311 animals adopted in 2022. 27 of the animals were puppies, and 44 of the animals were adopted through the Foster Program. The Return to Shelter Rate was reduced from 7.2% to 6%. Using animal intake data, Ci calculates that CHS has a 74% adoption rate. In 2022, the adoption rate was 65%.

In the Animal Investigation and Protection program, 921 animals were removed from unsafe situations in 2023. This is a 3% increase from the 891 animals removed from unsafe situations in 2022. In 2023, 270 out of the 921 animals were removed from a single household.

While Ci highlights these results, they may not be a complete representation of Calgary Humane Society’s results and impact. This charity is not yet rated on impact (n/r).

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In 2023, Calgary Humane Society had $11.5m in donations. This is a 63% increase from the $7.1m it received in 2022. In 2023, CHS also had $1.2m in investment income. Administrative costs are 7% of revenues (less investment income), and fundraising costs are 7% of donations. This is the lowest that administrative and fundraising costs have been at since Ci began reporting on Calgary Humane Society in 2013. In 2023, the total overhead spending was 14%.  For every dollar donated, 86 cents are available for programs. In 2023, CHS spent 50 cents of every donated dollar on programs.

Calgary Humane Society has $14.3m in reserve funds, of which $45k is donor endowed. Excluding donor-endowed funds, the charity could cover two years of annual program costs. In 2022, CHS had fewer reserve funds; it had enough to cover around a year and a half of annual program costs.

Profile updated on June 4, 2023 by Abby Stout

Financial Review

Financial Ratios

Fiscal year ending December
Administrative costs as % of revenues 7.3%11.9%11.8%
Fundraising costs as % of donations 6.8%11.1%13.1%
Total overhead spending 14.2%23.0%24.9%
Program cost coverage (%) 200.4%156.1%281.6%

Summary Financial Statements

All figures in $000s
Donations 11,5147,0575,875
Government funding 00644
Fees for service 1,3911,015690
Investment income 1,221(1,641)1,347
Total revenues 14,1276,4318,556
Program costs 7,1036,4105,603
Administrative costs 944964851
Fundraising costs 788781769
Total spending 8,8358,1557,223
Cash flow from operations 5,292(1,724)1,333
Capital spending 2993,8667,863
Funding reserves 14,27810,04415,815

Note: EMERGENCY WAGE SUBSIDY: Ci included Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy in government funding and in wages and benefits costs, increasing revenues and expenses by nil in 2023, nil in 2022, and $644k in 2021. SALARIES: Ci removed salaries related to fundraising activities from total salaries reported in program costs and included the amounts in fundraising costs. NON-CASH GAINS: Ci did not report non-cash gains on sale of tangible capital assets, affecting revenues by nil in 2023, nil in 2022, and ($3k) in 2021. DEFERRED DONATIONS: Ci adjusted for deferred donations affecting revenue by ($3k) in 2023, $17k in 2022, and $6k in 2021. IMPAIRMENT LOSS: Ci did not include impairment loss on capital assets in expenses, affecting expenses by nil in 2023, ($208k) in 2022, and nil in 2021.

Salary Information

Full-time staff: 74

Avg. compensation: $62,245

Top 10 staff salary range:

$350k +
$300k - $350k
$250k - $300k
$200k - $250k
$160k - $200k
$120k - $160k
$80k - $120k
$40k - $80k
< $40k

Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2022

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Comments & Contact

Comments added by the Charity:

The following comment was added by the charity on February 1, 2024. 

Calgary Humane Society (CHS) is rooted in values of compassion, courage, commitment and collaboration which strengthen the social fabric of a rapidly changing and increasingly complex society. We have rallied to meet ever-increasing needs that have had a significant impact on the quality of life enjoyed in Calgary. As the city continues to grow and expand, it is becoming increasingly important for the Calgary Humane Society to effectively and proactively respond to animal welfare issues not only for today, but for the future.  

  • Protections and Investigations – In 2022, our team investigated 1195 reports of possible animal cruelty and neglect, 51 individuals charged, and 891 animals were seized. In 2022, our Protection and Investigations team continued to lead, nationally in their area by developing and executing training for frontline police officers through the Alberta Association of Chiefs of Police, culminating in hundreds more boots on the ground in the fight against animal cruelty.  This partnership between CHS and Calgary Police Services has been fruitful as Calgary cases continue to break and set new incarceration records for animal cruelty crimes, including 2022’s GEICK conviction, raising the precedent from 2 to 3 years. 
  • Pet Safekeeping– In 2022, Calgary Humane Society received 100 animals from owners fleeing domestic violence. These animals remained in our care for an average of 33 days while their owner sought safety. 79% were returned to their owner healthy and happy, with up-to-date vaccines and a spay/neuter surgery. The remaining 21% were adopted into new homes. Calgary Humane Society has over 1,000 Foster Parents who provide a safe haven for many animals entering our care, but it is particularly beneficial for animals of the Pet Safekeeping program. In 2022, 69% of the 100 animals from Pet Safekeeping went to a foster home. Foster care introduces these animals to a secure, safe and stable environment, counter to the volatile home they once knew. Calgary Humane Society continues to collaborate with partnering organizations promoting access to Pet Safekeeping and acts as a consultant on the development of pet friendly spaces in human shelters alike.   
  • Emergency Boarding - Calgary Humane Society offers short term housing for people in crisis through the Emergency Boarding program. Unforeseen crisis can occur, such as hospitalization due to a sudden medical emergency, evacuation from fire, individuals entering a rehab recovery program, or senior health concerns.
  • Continued Companionship - The Calgary Humane Society offers resources to seniors through our Continued Companionship Program. This program combats seniors’ vulnerabilities by retaining or creating connection opportunities with domestic pets. Resources include medical support, euthanasia and cremation services, food bank services including prescription diets, affordable adoption fees and volunteer opportunities.
  • Humane Education –Is defined as the teaching of compassion, empathy and respect related to animal welfare, environmental, and social justice issues. In a world where education is about standardized testing and subject performance, it is easy to lose sight of what the real purpose of education should be: guiding the next generation to be caring, compassionate and responsible citizens that are capable of changing the world. Reaching a total of 19,822 youth, CHS represents the animal welfare component of Humane Education, presenting it as an interconnected and integral dimension of a healthy, just society.
  • Adoption– In 2022 CHS has connected lives for 2,371 animals and families. Lives have been saved, hearts have been healed and health has improved. Every day we receive stories of emotional, psychological, and physical inspiration surrounding the human/animal bond. 
  • Animal Health – In 2022 over 100,000 medical procedures were performed, including surgeries, re-check exams and physiotherapy sessions. Calgary Humane Society provides compassionate, humane health care to all homeless animals admitted into the facility. The Phoenix Fund is a special fund set aside for animals with special needs that require emergency medical treatment. Burns, amputations, skin grafts, or other specialized surgeries require extra medical support. Thanks to the Pheonix Fund, CHS has the ability to deal with these emergencies and those animals in critical need are most often brought here. A chief mandate of the organization relates to the strategies it employs for inclusive community engagement. Our animal health team works closely with University of Calgary, contributing quantifiably to Veterinary student training. We host countless hands-on job shadow experiences, educational resources, tours, presentations, and field studies (herd health management) supporting the Veterinary medicine discipline.
  • Community Services – For Albertans struggling to provide proper and adequate food for their pets, we operate a food bank program where food, bedding and other supplies can be providedWe provide free behavioural support through our Behaviour Helpline to anyone experiencing a pet related issue. For renters at risk of loosing their housing due to a pet related issue, we run a Pets & Renters program where consults are offered at no cost.
  • Behaviour Training - we offer positive reinforcement-based training classes and consultations for basic obedience, puppy socialization and specialize in complex behaviours such as reactivity, fearfulness, resources guarding and separation anxiety. We believe that everyone should have access to affordable training and work with a variety of household budgets.

Calgary Humane Society engages with over 700 Volunteers and 1,000 Foster Parents. We strive to lead the way and continue to set standards of excellence for the humane treatment of animals across a broad spectrum of human/animal interactions, thus fostering a community where all lives are respected and treated with compassion. The breadth of our programming is wide and all encompassing in an effort to provide the highest levels of community service to the city of Calgary and surrounding areas.


Learn More:

Calgary Humane Society 2023 Annual Report


Charity Contact

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 403-205-4455


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Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001