Search by Sector

  • WE Charity [Charity Rating: 1/5]

    Together WE Change the World.

    International Aid

    Toronto, ON

  • WE Charity Foundation [Charity Rating: 1/5]

    To ensure sustainable impact for generations to come.

    International Aid

    Toronto, ON

  • World Renew [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Living Justice. Loving Mercy. Serving Christ.

    International Aid

    Burlington, ON

  • World University Service of Canada [Charity Rating: 3/5]

    Changing the script

    International Aid

    Ottawa, ON

  • World Vision Canada [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Life in all its fullness

    International Aid

    Mississauga, ON


Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada’s environment, cancer, and homelessness. Today over 500,000 Canadians use our website as a go-to source for information on Canadian charities reading over 1.6 million charity reports. Through rigorous and independent research, Charity Intelligence aims to assist Canada’s dynamic charitable sector in being more transparent, accountable and focused on results.


Be Informed. Give Intelligently. Have Impact


Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001