Development and Peace

1425 René-Lévesque Blvd West, 3rd Floor
Montreal, QC H3G 1T7
Executive Director: Carl Hétu
President: Brenda Arakaza

Charitable Reg. #:11882 9902 RR0001


Ci's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics:

[Charity Rating: 2/5]



Audited financial statements for current and previous years available on the charity’s website.



Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.



The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.


Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.



For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 83 cents are available for programs.

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About Development and Peace:

Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace is a 2-star charity with a below-average results reporting score and Low demonstrated impact. It is financially transparent and has overhead costs within Ci’s reasonable range.

Founded in 1967, Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (Development and Peace, CCODP) works to provide emergency aid and address social, political, and economic injustices. CCODP is one of 165 Caritas Internationalis members, a collection of Catholic relief, development, and social service organizations working to help the poor across the world. CCODP also works to educate Canadians about developmental and humanitarian issues.

In F2023, the charity spent 86% of program costs on international programs. CCODP runs community development and humanitarian aid projects. In F2023, CCODP worked on 73 community development projects and humanitarian aid projects in 34 countries. It works with 78 partners around the world to deliver its programs. CCODP’s international work focuses on five main areas: Humanitarian Aid, Ecological Justice, Democracy and Citizen Participation, Justice for Women, and Peace and Reconciliation. 

In F2023, the charity spent 14% of its program costs on work in Canada. During the year, Caritas Canada members collected 28,375 signatures on a petition to the government to create stronger corporate due diligence.

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Results and Impact

In F2023, CCODP responded to floods in Pakistan. The charity contributed $222k toward a reconstruction project run by its partner, Caritas Pakistan. The charity also provided food, water, and hygiene support to 9,828 households. 

As part of CCODP’s Peace and Reconciliation focus area, it funds partners in Cambodia that advocate for indigenous rights. The partner, Indigenous Community Support Organization, helps communities navigate the complicated indigenous communal land titling process. In F2023, CCODP’s partner helped a community in Pa Tang, Cambodia get land rights to 624 hectares of land. This land benefits 396 people from 87 Charai Indigenous households. 

While Ci highlights these key results, they may not be a complete representation of CCODP’s results and impact.

Charity Intelligence has given Development and Peace a Low impact rating based on demonstrated impact per dollar spent.

Impact Rating: Low

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In F2023, Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace received $13.3m in donations. The charity also received $8.1m in government funding, representing 38% of total revenues. Combined administrative and fundraising costs are 17% of revenues (less investment income). For every dollar donated, 83 cents go to the cause. This is within Ci’s reasonable range for overhead spending. 

CCODP has reserve funds of $28.2m, of which $1.5m is donor-endowed. Excluding donor-endowed funds, CCODP could cover annual program costs for 1 year and 8 months with its reserve funds. 

At the time of this report, CCODP’s T3010 filing with the CRA is not yet available. As such, compensation information reflects F2022. 

Development and Peace changed the way its presents its financial statements. As such, certain information from F2021 may not be comparable to F2022 and F2023. 

This charity report is an update that has been sent to Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace for review. Changes and edits may be forthcoming.

Updated on February 28, 2024 by Emily Downing.

Financial Review

Financial Ratios

Fiscal year ending August
Fundraising & admin costs as % of revenues 16.5%11.5%0.0%
Total overhead spending 16.5%11.5%12.0%
Program cost coverage (%) 156.8%153.5%320.8%

Summary Financial Statements

All figures in $000s
Donations 13,33112,71911,345
Government funding 8,06911,5646,247
Investment income 1,645(1,126)2,118
Other income (1,848)5814,048
Total revenues 21,19723,73823,758
Program costs - International 14,76619,4318,647
Program costs - Canada 2,3172,2361,950
Fundraising & administrative costs 3,2282,8640
Total spending 20,31124,53012,987
Cash flow from operations 886(792)10,770
Capital spending 67746
Funding reserves 28,16234,54235,217

Note: The charity does not report on a breakdown of government vs non-government deferred revenues. Therefore, Ci adjusted for deferred donations in Other income, affecting revenues by ($1.8m) in F2023, $422k in F2022 and $1.5m in 2021. Ci included investment income reported below the line as income, affecting total revenue by $1.6m in F2023, ($1.1m) in F2022, and ($1.8m) in F2021. Ci reported endowment contributions as donations, increasing donations and revenue by $27k in F2023, $500 in F2022, and $1k in F2021. 

Salary Information

Full-time staff: 102

Avg. compensation: $171,117

Top 10 staff salary range:

$350k +
$300k - $350k
$250k - $300k
$200k - $250k
$160k - $200k
$120k - $160k
$80k - $120k
$40k - $80k
< $40k

Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2022

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Comments & Contact

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No comments have been added by the charity.

Charity Contact

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 514-257-8711


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Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001